Rhonéa - Nos Parcellaires, Les Hauts du Village, AOC Rasteau, Rouge, 2023


« Our Parcel Selections » highlights the best terroirs of our Artisans Winegrowers. Old vines, unique geological features, specific exposures & altitudes... In each appellation, the excellence of our expertise is showcased through the meticulous selection of distinctive parcels, careful winemaking and precise ageing for wines that are complex and full of character.
Presentation video
The vintage
2023 was a year full of contrasts: warm temperatures at the end of December and beginning of January raised concerns about early budding; a return to normalcy continued until February with relatively cool weather; a persistent drought accompanied by a strong Mistral wind, followed by regular rainfall until the end of June. Thanks to constant vigilance in the vineyards, the berries were healthy and well-ripened when harvest started, promising one of the finest vintages of the past decade.
Our parcel selection comes from silty colluvions (Miocene period), between 150 & 300m high
Manual harvest (from 28. to 30. Sept.). Traditional vinification with long maceration (15/20 days).
Part of the blend is aged in oak-barrels for 12 months
Grenache noir : 50%
Mourvèdre : 30%
Syrah : 20%
Vignerons engagés


The nose is rich, on aromas of black fruits, vanilla and spices. The mouth is round, well-balanced with velvety tannins and a long finish.
Food pairings
Braised beef, hearty stews, mature cheeses, dark chocolate desserts